Newer PC Hardware Designed on More than Performance

Posted on December 9, 2012 at 11:39 pm by Amber Hemmer

When shopping around for a new graphics card or processor for your PC, you obviously want something that will offer great performance. But other shoppers are smart to keep other things in mind as well. Are manufacturers keeping up with demand?


Upgrading to Windows 8

Posted on September 9, 2012 at 2:04 am by Amber Hemmer

Windows 8 will soon be available for purchase or upgrade! But this much anticipated operating system also leaves some of us uneasy. What will happen to all of your settings, files and drivers? Microsoft has given us some valuable information about just how everything will go down. After many reviews and anticipation in learning more about the new Windows 8 layout, it seems as though the release date is finally getting close! October 26th is the day people have been […]


New Gadgets Showcased for Upcoming Devices

Posted on August 27, 2012 at 9:03 am by Amber Hemmer

With the release of several new tablets, operating systems and computer set to release later this year, it only makes sense that the same companies develop new, updated gadgets and components to accompany the new devices!


Anticipation Increasing Over New Tablets

Posted on August 22, 2012 at 8:55 am by Amber Hemmer

Recently, several companies have made business moves involving some of the top tablets, raising suspicions that upgraded versions will soon be announced. Is this a sign that new products will soon be available and companies are hoping to keep a competitive edge or is it just a simple sales-ploy?


Unstable Market For Chip Manufacturers

Posted on July 28, 2012 at 8:57 am by Amber Hemmer

One large chip manufacturer is moving in a different direction and looking at profit and growth, while another company’s future seems a little insecure. It isn’t a secret that the market for these components is unstable, but how will it affect these companies?


Lenovo’s Inching to the Top

Posted on July 17, 2012 at 2:29 pm by Amber Hemmer

In the PC world, it’s quite a feat to be at the top of the ladder. Different brands supply different technologies to please users, but one brand is slowly surpassing the others and will soon be on the top rung. What is Lenovo’s secret to making so many sales?


Chip Maker Expects Growth, but Investors are Cautious

Posted on April 24, 2012 at 3:24 pm by Amber Hemmer

Intel earnings have seemed to fluctuate quite a bit over the last year, making investors nervous about the future. But the chip maker has projected an increase in sales for the second quarter of 2012, along with several projects that are yet to be released.


Protect Your Electronic Data from Physical Elements

Posted on April 14, 2012 at 3:54 pm by Amber Hemmer

When you store pictures, media, personal or business files on your computer, many things can happen that would wipe out all of your information. Even backing up the data to a website or two doesn’t completely guarantee its safekeeping. But people don’t normally worry about protecting their data from a fire or flood…


Policy Changes Worry Some Countries

Posted on March 3, 2012 at 11:59 am by Amber Hemmer

Everyone is talking about the new changes to Google’s privacy policy and the personal information they use. Many people don’t realize how it affects them or that it affects them at all. But it doesn’t seem as though Google really thought about whom it affects either…


The Future is Now – HP’s Predictions for 2012

Posted on March 1, 2012 at 10:54 am by Amber Hemmer

When we think of future technology and the wacky devices we may encounter, some people think of flying cars, robotic-type computers and time machines. Five years ago, HP made predictions for the kind of advanced technology that they expected to see in 2012. Did we hit the mark?
